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Raven Lunachick

Raven lunachick #88

What do you like to do outside of derby?

I enjoy spending time with my kids and husband watching movies, playing games, Geocaching, or just hanging around our dairy farm. Otherwise I can almost always be found listening to a True Crime Podcast and tinkering around with some kind of art or craft project.

Do you have a favorite derby moment?

Playing in my first ever bout in 2024 almost exactly one year after I started roller derby. It was such an amazing feeling having my kids, my family and friends there to support me and share this sport I’ve come to love so much!

What do you do for a living?

I am a Licensed Clinical Professional Counselor. I currently work as a school counselor with middle school students.

Tell us about your derby name and number.

My name is a play on the phrase “raving lunatic”. It’s a tongue-in-cheek nod to my profession as a Counselor and a personal joke that I must have been “mad” to join a roller derby league at 39-years-old. “Raven” was also a way for me to honor my biggest inspiration, my kids, who are all named after birds. #88 is my birthday so I thought I'd try to bring some of that Leo energy to the track.

What motto do you live by?

“There are three ways to ultimate success: The first way is to be kind. The second way is to be kind. The third way is to be kind.” -Mr. Rogers

…Until we’re on the track of course ;)