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Misery Chick

Misery Chick #5584

How long have you been skating?
Started as a player in 2016, switched to ref in 2022, playing again in 2024!

Tell us about your derby name and number.
-Remember the cartoon on MTV, "Daria"? Yeah well I've been told for many years I'm a lot like the character Daria-dark hair, glasses, dry/dark sense of humor. "Misery Chick" is the name of one of the episodes.
-My number is 5584, which was my best friend's birthday (5/5/84). She passed away in 2012, so it's for her. She would love derby and love that I'm doing this.

How many pets do you have? What kind?
1–a mini Australian shepherd named Tina and

What do you like to do outside of roller derby?
Anything that doesn’t involve people-ing

What was your favorite concert?
-All three times I saw Tool but any of the El Monstero or Celebration Day shows at The Pageant in St. Louis. I'm going to see A Perfect Circle in April 2017 and Roger Waters in May 2017.

How did you get involved in roller derby?
-I went to college with Lady Tarabelle and decided to check out the January 30, 2016 bout so I could see her face-it was close to my apartment so why not, right? Found out derby was awesome and I wanted to hit people without going to prison, so I went to the next Date the Crush and have been hooked ever since.