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Marley Laveau

Marley Laveau #67

What are your roller derby goals this year? 

Better reffing skills

Tell us about your derby name and number. 

Marley Laveau is a reference to Marie Laveau, the voodoo queen of New Orleans. 

What is your favorite thing about roller derby? 

The people I skate with, I wouldn’t trade any of them. We are all different sizes, different backgrounds etc., but we all come together on the track to become one. Also everyone has everyone’s back on and off the track. 

What do you do for a living? 

Healthcare administration.

What do you like to do outside of roller derby? 

Ride my Pelton or walk my dog

Tell us something about yourself we don't know. 

I am an avid reader.

What motto do you live by? 

Always keep your mind open, something might just slip in.

Who is your roller derby role model or derby partner? 

Scarlet Bandit - she is just amazing to watch, she is always there to help me with anything. And Lil smokes is my lil sista other than that single and loving it

What is your favorite derby memory? 

Doing 32 laps in 5 

Something Wicked this way comes...