Lil' Smokes
Lil' Smokes #096
Tell us about your derby name and number.
When I joined CCRD, I was the youngest. So I figured any name with "Lil" would do. haha, that's how I got Lil' Smokes. Smokes comes from me being super fast on 8 wheels ;)
How many pets do you have? What kind?
I have lots of animals in my house hold. Cali is my pittie mix, who is a spaz. The kitties are Teenie and Olive, the tortie sissies, George and Chowder, the grey boys, Finn my orange boy & Meme, is my over weight calico cat. :)
What is your favorite derby attire?
Over done make up. Derby skins shorts!
What do you like to do outside of roller derby?
I have a passion for art. I enjoy painting, making things out of clay, and making jewelry with hemp.
What motto do you live by?
"There's nothing in life that I can't achieve"
What was your favorite derby moment?
When I jumped over Amylou Woohoo during a scrimmage. :D
What is your favorite position to play?
Jammer ;)