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Jupiter #77

How did you get involved with derby?

I had just moved to Hunstville, Alabama and I didn't know anyone there yet. One day I saw a sign about the local roller derby team and I emailed the president. The team happened to be having a "welcome back to derby" party following the COVID hiatus the next week so I went to check it out and I was hooked!

Do you have a favorite derby moment?

When I went to my first real newbie mixer and I actually felt like I had a grasp on what I was doing and I was honored with MVB.

What’s something about you we don’t know?

I can ride a unicycle!

Favorite non-swear word?


Tell us about your derby name.

I love space and Jupiter is my favorite planet. I have a tattoo of Jupiter on my thigh, and Jupiter is large and mighty (like me!) Also, I started playing with Rocket City Roller Derby, so a space themed name just fit.