Dolly Spartan
Dolly spartan #314
How did you get involved in derby?
I was about to go to the movies out of boredom and frustration no one wanted me for a softball game. A friend told me an info. night for CCRD was about to happen so I went to info. night instead.
What are you looking for in a derby league?
An enviroment wherever what body shape, size, height, gender identity, sexuality, we all have an important spot and will have a safe space.
What do you like most about derby?
There's no way I could meet this variation of non-binary and women outside of derby. Our backgrounds would have never come in contact with each other without this sport.
Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know?
I spent the first 32 years of my life dairy farming. I'm 33 now.
Tell us about your derby name and number.
Friend gave me the name. Number was my bff/sisters favorite number. Rip Ally Pally.
How many pets do you have? What kind?
I have one cat. Her name is Ruth Bader Ginspurr, she fights the patriarchy (the patriarchy are field mice).