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Chelsey Dagger

Chelsey dagger #13

How did you get involved in derby?

I've wanted to join about 5 yrs now and came across Confluence Crush.

What do you like most about derby?

The atmosphere! Everyone is so awesome

Do you have a favorite derby moment?

The games we play at the end of Sunday practices.

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know?

I am jack of all trades master of none!

What do you do for a living?

Safety Specialist for Worldwide.

Favorite (non-swear) word?

Gander I love saying “I’ll give it a gander.”

How many hours have you spent in a tattoo chair?

So so many! I also do tattoos.

What motto do you live by?

“Without suffering there would be no compassion.”

What is your least favorite and most favorite roller derby drill?

Least favorite is balancing! Favorite is one footed gliding.