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Capt'n Blackout

Capt'n Blackout #99

How long have you been skating?
I started skating in Feb or March of 2013. At my first practice I did not know how to skate.

Have you had any derby injuries?
Several. Broken wrist, broken ankle, torn meniscus.

What's your favorite thing about roller derby?
I love that anyone can play. All body types and athletic abilities can be useful on the track. So you end up with a very diverse team.

What do you do outside of derby? 
Ride horses. Thrifting Thursday!

Tell us about your derby name and number.
When telling college stories a lot of them seem to go "and then so and so told me I did such and such." So Blackout seemed like a good name choice. The Capt'n came about because I wanted to wear a cape.

What’s your favorite non-swear word?