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Abitude #0121

How long have you been skating? 

What are you looking for in a derby league? 
A league that empowers and lifts each other up.

What is your personal derby goal for this season? 
My personal goal is to workout outside of practice and become stronger. Anything to improve my performance on the track.

What do you like to do outside of derby? 
I honestly just work. Derby is my escape from everyday life, so I’d rather be playing than anything else.

What do you like most about derby? 
The people that I’ve met. Derby is a good way to make new friends and to build a strong support system.

Do you have a favorite derby moment? 
My favorite derby moment was during a home game. I jammed in a game for the first time. I was coming up to the inside of the second turn and a blocker hit me but I was able to use the hit to my advantage and swung my leg around while using my other toestop to keep me balanced.

Tell us something about yourself that we don’t know? 
As of right now, I have about 120 videos from friends and family taking videos at scrimmages and games. I go back and watch them to see how I can improve myself. It has been the best method to improving myself as a derby player.

Favorite non-swear word? 
I swear a lot....

Do you have a derby significant other? 
I have four derby wives. One is off at school so that she can be successful and buy us all of the things.